Download free 555 timer pinout
Download free 555 timer pinout

Ĭamenzind proposed the development of a universal circuit based on the oscillator for PLLs, and asked that he would develop it alone, borrowing their equipment instead of having his pay cut in half. However, Signetics laid off half of its employees, and the development was frozen due to a recession. He designed an oscillator for PLLs such that the frequency did not depend on the power supply voltage or temperature. He was hired by Signetics to develop a PLL IC in 1968. He became interested in tuners such as a gyrator and a phase-locked loop (PLL). He designed a pulse-width modulation (PWM) amplifier for audio applications, but it was not successful in the market because there was no power transistor included. In 1962, Camenzind joined PR Mallory's Laboratory for Physical Science in Burlington, Massachusetts. Camenzind under contract to Signetics (later acquired by Philips Semiconductors, and now NXP). All unused inputs must be tied to an appropriate logic level to prevent false triggering.The IC was designed in 1971 by Hans R. Whenever the output is low, a low-impedance path is provided between the discharge terminal (DISCH) and GND. If RESET is low, the flip-flop is reset and the output is low. The reset input (RESET) can override all other inputs and can be used to initiate a new timing cycle. If TRIG is above the trigger level and the threshold input (THRES) is above the threshold level, the flip-flop is reset and the output is low. When the trigger input (TRIG) falls below the trigger level, the flip-flop is set and the output goes high. These levels can be altered by use of the control voltage terminal (CONT). Like the NE555, the TLC555 has a trigger level equal to approximately one-third of the supply voltage and a threshold level equal to approximately two-thirds of the supply voltage. Power consumption is low across the full range of power-supply voltage. As a result, more accurate time delays and oscillations are possible. Because of its high input impedance, this device supports smaller timing capacitors than those supported by the NE555 or LM555. The timer is fully compatible with CMOS, TTL, and MOS logic and operates at frequencies up to 2 MHz. The TLC555 is a monolithic timing circuit fabricated using the TI LinCMOS™ process.

download free 555 timer pinout

  • Configuration control and print support.
  • download free 555 timer pinout

  • High-reliability automotive applications.
  • ESD protection exceeds 2000 V per MIL-STD-883C, method 3015.2.
  • Functionally interchangeable with the NE555 has same pinout.
  • Single-supply operation from 2 V to 15 V.
  • Low supply current reduces spikes during output transitions.
  • Output fully compatible with CMOS, TTL, and MOS.
  • CMOS output capable of swinging rail to rail.

  • Download free 555 timer pinout